La Laine Des Moutons
La laine des moutons
C'est nous qui la tondaine
La laine des moutons
C'est nous qui la tondons
Tondons, tondaine
La laine des moutaines
La laine des moutons
(repeat first verse)
from Rebecca Barclay learned from Chantal Lapointe of Guelph
this is a French childrens song /possible as a round
I translated it on the right column - Rebecca
The Wool of the Sheep
The wool of the sheep
It is we who shear the sheep’s wool
shearing, shearing
It is we who shear the sheep’s wool
The wool of the sheep
It is we who wash the sheep’s wool
washing, washing
It is we who wash the sheep’s wool
The wool of the sheep
It is we who card the sheep’s wool
carding, carding
It is we who card the sheep’s wool
The wool of the sheep
It is we who spin the sheep’s wool
spinning, spinning
It is we who spin the sheep’s wool
The wool of the sheep
It is we who weave the sheep’s wool
weaving, weaving
It is we who weave the sheep’s wool
The wool of the sheep
It is we who tend the sheep’s wool
shearing, shearing
It is we who tend the sheep’s wool